Karachi University Strike

Karachi University Strike
Karachi University Strike

The Karachi University Educators Association (KUEA) has launched a protest, starting today, citing serious worries about administrative and financial chaos paralyzing the institution.

Karachi University Strike

The protest, supported by the KUEA, is scheduled to persist indefinitely until their complaints are attended to, as declared by KUEA Secretary Dr. Faizan-ul-Hassan Naqvi.

One of the main problems emphasized is the lack of endorsement for Karachi University’s budget for the previous four years. This financial oversight has had harmful repercussions on the standard of academic and research endeavors within the institution.

Moreover, educators engaged in nighttime programs purportedly haven’t obtained their overdue payments for eighteen months. Tenured staff members have likewise allegedly not been granted the salary boosts pledged in the regional government’s budget, which was declared four months prior.

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Another concerning issue is the recruitment of guest lecturers at a rate of Rs. 600 per lecture, which, following deductions, diminishes to a mere Rs. 480. Even this decreased remuneration is purportedly not being distributed as anticipated.

Moreover, worries were expressed regarding the declining condition of Karachi University’s facilities, indicating administrative mismanagement. This worsening circumstance has led to a pattern where students are progressively choosing private universities due to the persistent problems affecting the public sector.

The KUTS also organized a general assembly, during which a motion was approved to abstain from all academic activities at the university until further notification.

The assembly also pledged support to the ongoing strike by educators in the evening program, which began on 14 September. In an effort to seek a resolution, the KUTS has appealed to the Sindh governor and the chief minister to take cognizance of the crises and establish a commission to scrutinize their underlying causes.

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